• Repeat the Flip Arrows command to switch the arrows back.

  • With the 10.00 unit dimension still highlighted, hold down the CTRL key and select the 8.13 dimension (the height of the protrusion).

    Multi-select items by holding down the CTRL key and selecting the items.

  • Press and hold Right Mouse Button and select Align Dimensions from the pull down.

  • Select the FRONT view.

  • Press and hold Right Mouse button and select Cleanup Dimensions from the pull down. A dialog box will pop-up similar to the figure below.

  • Choose the options and type in the values as shown in the figure above.

  • Clidk Apply and Close. Notice how this view can be quickly cleaned up.

    To use this technique on multiple views, by first multi-selecting the views and then doing a Cleanup Dimensions to drastically reduce the amount of manual effort normally involved.

  • Select Info from the pull down menu at the top of the window and choose Switch Dims. This shows the symbol, or 'parameter', for the dimensions.

    Repeating Switch Dims will toggle the display of dimensions back and forth from numeric to symbolic. Every dimension (and its tolerance values) are represented inside Pro/ENGINNER by these symbols that can be used in relations or in parametric notes.

    Now let's add a parametric note that calls-out the wall thickness.

  • Select Insert -> Note.. from the drop-down menus.

  • Select Make Note from the menu manager and accept all the defaults.

  • Click a spot anywhere under the Left cross-section view as the desired note location and middle-click

  • Type THE WALL THICKNESS IS &D21 INCHES and click Accept or press Enter.

    This symbolic name may be different than shown above. If so ensure you enter in the correct symbolic name in the note creation box.

  • Select Accept again as you are not creating another sentence.

  • Click Done/Return from the menu manager.

    You can also add Ordinate Dimensions that use a single witness line with no leader, and are associated with a baseline reference. They are used mostly for flat plate or sheetmetal designs but we will illustrate an example of this capability on our box part.
  • Insert,Dimension,Ordinate.. from the drop-down menus.

  • Select the bottom edge as a baseline from the Right view as shown in the figure below.

  • Select the two edges as shown below to create ordinate dimensions.

  • Place the cursor to the right of the view and click the Middle Mouse Button to place the dimensions.

  • Click Return from the menu manager.

    You can convert linear dimensions to ordinate dimensions and vice-versa. You can also have ordinate dimensions automatically created under Insert -> Dimension -> Auto Ordinate.. as opposed to picking the individual entities in our exercise. This is extremely invaluable for flat plate and sheetmetal parts.

  • Click Save from the main toolbar.

  • Click OK.

  • Congratulations! You have successfully created your first part drawing.

  • Task 4. Make design changes in the model and drawing

      Now, let's investigate the effect of model changes on our drawing.

      One of the things that make Pro/ENGINEER the most powerful and respected CAD package on the market today is it's model-centric database architecture. In other words, 'a single-source-of-truth' where all the physical properties are kept at the part level and that a change made anywhere gets reflected everywhere.

    1. Click Open from the main toolbar.
    2. Select the BOX.PRTfrom the Open dialog box.
    3. Click Open and the BOX.PRT will open in a separate window.
    4. From the model tree, Right Mouse Button select the Extrude 2 feature and select Edit.
    5. Double-click the 8.13 dimension, change it to 4 and press Enter.
    6. Click Regenerate the model.
    7. Select the pulldown Window, BOX.DRW:1 to switch back to the drawing and see the changes.

      Design changes can also be made from the drawing and the model will update.

    8. Select the note and press and hold Right Mouse button and select Edit Value from the pull down.
    9. Type 0.2 and press Enter
    10. Select Regenerate (again, notice how all the information is accurately updated on the drawing.
    11. Select Window from the pulldown, BOX.PRT
    12. Press and hold the Middle Mouse Button and rotate the part around. Notice how the model geometry updated.
    13. File,Close Window to return to BOX.DRW.
    14. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK.

      Saving a drawing will also, by default, save any modified parts or assemblies it references.

    15. File,Close Window

    Sketches Pro 4 8 X 9

    Task 5. Create a New Assembly Drawing
      Let's create a new drawing for the example assembly we created in our 'Assembly' tutorial.
    1. Click the New icon on the main toolbar.
    2. Select Drawing as the Type.
    3. Type EXAMPLE for the Name.
    4. Make sure Use default template is checked.
    5. Click OK from the New dialog box.
    6. Select Browse.. for the Default Model and select EXAMPLE.ASM
    7. Select Browse.. for the Template and select C_ASSY.DRW
    8. Click OK Cyberbyte antivirus and internet security premium 3 0 54. from the New Drawing dialog box. The template drawing will automatically layout the drawing.
    9. If necessary, turn off the display of Datum Planes , Datum Points , and Coordinate Systems and Repaint

      Use Redraw from the main toolbar anytime to repaint the screen.

    10. Zoom in on the lower right corner to observe the title block and the Bill of Material table.
    11. Refit to see the whole page
    12. Select a call-out balloon (as shown below). Notice that the component highlights in the table.
    13. Select a different item in the table. Notice it will highlight the corresponding call-out.

      Clean up the call-outs/BOM balloons both manually and automatically.

    14. Select the Hex Bolt call-out (#2)

    15. Press and hold the Left Mouse Button over the selected call-out and drag it so that its leader line does not cross any other.

    16. Select the exploded view.

    17. Press and hold the Right Mouse Button and select Cleanup BOM Balloons.

    18. Accept the defaults and select OK to finish.

    19. Click Save and click OK.

    20. Congratulations! You have successfully created your first assembly drawing.